[MB] Note from the list admin
(too old to reply)
Thomas Gramstad
2008-10-30 23:54:22 UTC
Hi, this is a quick and late note from your list admin.

First, any and all questions about list admin stuff should
be directed to me at owner-***@ifi.uio.no or ***@ifi.uio.no.
(Don't bother the postmaster or university computer staff with
such questions.)

Second, the most common reason for delayed messages is that
you the poster try to post "Rich text format" or HTML-encoded
messages instead of plain text messages. Then they get filtered
out for me to approve manually, and they stay there in queue
until I can find the time to look at them and approve (or
discard) them. If you turn off the HTML/Rich Text "feature"
and post as plain text your messages will go right through
to the list. You can read here how to turn this "feature" off:
http://efn.no/html-bad.html#part3 .
(As to why HTML-encoding of e-mail is bad, start at the top
of the page.)

However, the version of the list server software that my
university is using is stone age old. Newer listserver software
can strip away such unwanted attachments or encodings
automatically, and then you the poster don't have to bother
about this, all your postings will be processed and sent
through automatically. The university has promised to upgrade
their software in the spring, but I'm getting tired of
waiting for this, so I'm thinking about moving the list
to another location with a newer version of the listserver
software with the capabilities I mentioned above.
The downside is that the list will get a new e-mail address
that everybody must learn, update their links etc. But I
think it will be worth it, and will get on with it in a
short time.

Thomas Gramstad
Karl-Heinz Herrmann
2008-11-09 13:45:04 UTC
Hi Thomas an list,

On Fri, 31 Oct 2008 00:53:56 +0100 (CET)
Post by Thomas Gramstad
through automatically. The university has promised to upgrade
their software in the spring, but I'm getting tired of
waiting for this, so I'm thinking about moving the list
to another location with a newer version of the listserver
software with the capabilities I mentioned above.
The downside is that the list will get a new e-mail address
that everybody must learn, update their links etc. But I
think it will be worth it, and will get on with it in a
short time.
Thats a good idea and nice to hear from you thomas. I got a little
worried that you've dropped you interest alltogether.

If you think about getting a new mail-address -- you might also
consider working together with Britt Nicolaisen who reserved the
modestyblaise.org domain for now and looks for services to provide. I
do not know if that domain includes a webspace/email
account/mailinglist option, nor if its connected to a (virtual) root
server or a hosting package at all. If you would be able to setup a new
mailinglist either directly in the mb.org domain or by forwarding a
mailing address from there to the list that would make the new address
easier to remember I guess :-)
Post by Thomas Gramstad
Subject: Re: [MB] www.modestyblaise.com
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2008 00:33:24 +0200
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080914)
Well, actually i registered the .org just a couple of days ago. Just
parked it untill I decide how to use it - I thought maybe we (us
listmembers) could find some use for it. I am not a big fan of the forum
idea though as I prefer to receive emails instead of actively visiting a
forum. But if that is what we decide to do, I guess I could set up a
forum at this domain.
Do we have other website needs? Somebody mentioned posting pictures...
other things?

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