[MB] walk RSVPs
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Julie Berk
2008-10-04 09:17:55 UTC
I have the following on the walk next Saturday, anyone else want to join us?

Berk Julie
Berk Louis
Brax Alice
Hamilton Margaret
Hamilton Martin
Kelly Sean
Kopmanis Gretchen
Kopmanis Mr
Taoist Stray
Tikkanen Mika
Toss Anna
Toss Julia
Wheeler Emma

It's in alphabetical order and I'm still at the top :)
Stray Taoist
2008-10-04 12:54:07 UTC
Post by Julie Berk
I have the following on the walk next Saturday, anyone else want to join us?
That is an interesting list, for the main reason that the majority of
people listed are female. Now, given the make-up of the list, I am
aware it isn't overly dominated by one sex (or indeed one socio-
economic group) but it does lead me to mention something I hadn't
thought of before.

PoD's Modesty seems to be one of those sort of thrillers that
transcends such demographics. Consider the (Fleming) Bond books, which
are probably more male read. (Given the attitudes to women, perhaps.
Yes, I generalise.) The Alexander McCall Smith ones seem to be more
female read (Look! Another generalisation.)

So another plus to PoD, then, in that he has created a series that
everyone can enjoy. (Of course, there are a few instances of the
social mores of the time, and not-quite fully rounded female side
characters, but we can't fault the heroine.)

Just sayin' :)

Looking forward to next week, we should probably (off-list) pass
mobile numbers, or something, so we can get in touch should (oh, for
example) some unknown engineering works slow us down on the way.


http://weblog.straytoaster.co.uk/ # Gotta have a weblog. It is the law.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/straytoaster # All the cool kids have
http://www.myspace.com/thirtyspokes # talent not included
Gretchen Kopmanis
2008-10-10 19:02:03 UTC
Julie.... where, exactly, are we meeting tomorrow? I remember you
said Westminster Abbey was it? I was down there the other day and
it's a fairly big place. (and it's 10am, right?)

Also, we've been marching all over London, Paris and today Cambridge.
Any idea how fast a pace the guide will set for 4 hours?


On Oct 4, 2008, at 10:17 AM, Julie Berk wrote:

I have the following on the walk next Saturday, anyone else want to
join us?

Berk Julie
Berk Louis
Brax Alice
Hamilton Margaret
Hamilton Martin
Kelly Sean
Kopmanis Gretchen
Kopmanis Mr
Taoist Stray
Tikkanen Mika
Toss Anna
Toss Julia
Wheeler Emma

It's in alphabetical order and I'm still at the top :)

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